Main MenuMain Menu\Web StoresWeb Stores\Change Web StoreChange Web Store\Store Info

This is your store basic information; store name, address, city, state, phone, etc…  The following is a detail explanation of each.

v  Store Name:  This will appear at the top right of the browser window, on the contact page, and on the main product frame.


v  Address and Phone:  This information appears on the contact page.


v  Store Email Address: This email address is only used to send you order confirmations.


v  Store Primary URL: This URL appears in the address bar of the browser for non-secure web pages.


v  Store Secure URL: This URL appears in the address bar of the browser for secure web pages.


v  Additional Email Addresses:  You can setup 5 unique email addresses.  They will not be published in your Web store.  The descriptions will appear as links on the contact page.  Links will open a web form to be filled in and submitted.  This process will prevent automated bots from seeking out email address on your web site.  For more information see Error! Reference source not found.


Ø  Email Address Description:  Provide a description of which department or to whom the email will be sent. 


Ø  Email Address: This is the email address to send communication when the web form is submitted.