Main MenuMain Menu\Web Stores

In BizWizard ShopKart you can have as many web stores as you like.  Look at a web store as a web site or an additional shopping cart.  There are several reasons you may want additional web stores, the following being a couple them:

v  Web Stores specific to particular products lines such as a web store for only Soccer awards

v  Company Stores which are specific to one of your customers.  Maybe your customer wants a specialized web site address displaying only approved products for purchase, thus they can send their employees to a specific web site address for purchasing products that only shows products their purchasing department has approved.

Additional web stores are free.  You can have one, five, even five hundred web stores (Not Available on ShopKart Lite). To manage your Web Stores, simply click on Web Stores represented by the icon as shown below:



When you go to the web store tool you can edit, add, copy, and delete a web store.  Of course once a store is deleted there is no bringing it back. The following is a representation of the store interface.