Introduction\How will BizWizard Order Manager Help our Business?

As part of the objectives for BizWizard Order Manager™, the software must save the retail store owner more money than the cost of the software itself. This is achieved in several ways. We will take a look at real examples of financial savings when compared to using other solutions that do not automate various tasks in your shop environment.



Kami Arnold, owner of Arnolds for Awards in Shingle Springs, California is responsible
for many of the day to day operations of their business.  Kami and the staff at their
store have been using BizWizard Order Manager™ since 2004 and are also primary
beta testers of new releases.  Their time and commitment to improving BizWizard Order Manager™
ranks right up there with many other users of BizWizard Order Manager™.  Thank you
Kami and Arnolds Awards for your Devotion and dedication.


Aspect of Savings Scenario One

In our Scenario, we will have a few assumptions. Since salaries of employees vary across the country, we are going to use the Federal Minimum wage rate for our comparison.


v  A Minimum Wage employee working 40 hours a week earns $15,080.00 a year.

v  Employer matching on FICA adds an additional $1,153.62 a year

v  Unemployment insurance for this employee is for sake of calculation, $600/year

Total cost to keep that one minimum wage employee is on staff is $16,833.62


Aspect of Savings Scenario Two

One of the largest problems an awards store faces is repeat orders. Traditionally, a filing cabinet is kept with a file for each customer you do repeat business with. Layout files, Logo files, CorelDraw Files are saved on a graphic artists computer. Depending upon who worked on the job last, the job may be saved under a company name or under a person’s name.


When your customer re-orders the next year, you have to spend time going to the filing cabinet to find their file, hoping it was re filed back in the correct place, and hoping all the information is in the file. We all know how the busy seasons cause us to get distracted and we forget to update a customer’s file. The amount of time it takes to find those files, get everything organized, provide the customer with a quote for the current year, search on graphics computers for artwork layouts, etc. Typically is anywhere to 15 minutes to 45 minutes. You may have only 5 such scenarios on average per day. That's 3 hours of employee time simply finding information in filing cabinets, on computers, etc. Using our Minimum Wage scenario (and we know your staff are paid higher than minimum wage) the total amount of time spent on this task per year is 780 hours at $7.25/hour is an astonishing $5,655.00 per year you spend in paying employees to do the exact same task BizWizard Order Manager™ will do in 30 seconds


Aspect of Savings Scenario Three

What marketing avenues do you use to promote your business? Do you run radio ads? Do you run Newspaper Ads? How about Telephone Book Advertising? Do you run Postal Mail Campaigns? Have you ever wondered if those marketing ventures are really paying off? BizWizard Order Manager™ will tell you exactly how much revenue you generated from your telephone book advertising. If you spend $24,000 in telephone book advertising, yet at the same time, you’re only reaping $500.00 in revenue from it. You’re wasting your advertising dollars.


Three real case scenarios from three different awards stores did exactly that. One Store saved over $14,000.00 and another store saved $24,000.00 in wasted advertising costs and the third store saved $18,000.00. We are sure there are many other stores, rather these two scenarios are the ones we know of as the award store owners called us to thank us for BizWizard Order Manager™ and let us know how the software has directly saved them money.


If we place a total yearly savings in dollars, we have the following:


v  Savings of one less minimum wage employee $16,833.62

v  Savings of Minimum Wage employees finding documents for repeat orders $5,655.00

v  Savings of Advertising Dollars $18,600.00


Total savings is an astonishing $42,000.00 approx.


Of course, let’s deduct from that the cost of BizWizard Order Manager™ which is $1,800.00. Your total net savings yearly is around $39,000.00 - It’s a No Brainer. Your savings may even be higher depending upon what type of information BizWizard Order Manager™ reports to you and how you implement its features. That’s a pretty hefty Return on Investment (ROI). We love a saying coined by one of NetSoft Studio’s customer who has been using BizWizard Order Manager™ for over 7 years. Niels Norby of San Dieguito Trophy said "At 87 cents per hour, BizWizard Order Manager™ is the least expensive employee I have!"



Richard Hernandez contacted us about two years after he started using BizWizard Order Manager™ to
give us more feedback.  Thank you Richard for your continued vote
of confidence. We are pleased to be able to contribute to your company’s success.


BizWizard Order Manager™ will streamline, organize, and save you more money than you will spend on the software itself. It will promote better communication, cut down on order errors, increase the cash flow of your business, and ensure accuracy throughout your company.