ConfigurationConfiguration\Product ManagementProduct Management\Maintain ProductsMaintain Products\Inventory Details

Inventory Details

If you are Tracking Inventory for a product, a tab will be available to select called Inventory Details as shown below.  This tab only becomes visible if the checkbox for Track Inventory has been check marked:




In the Inventory Details section, you will need to enter the following details:


v  Vendor: - Select the vendor from the drop down list.  This list is populated by all active Suppliers you have.

v  Vendor Product #: - Enter the vendor’s product # Associated with this product.  It may be different than the # you use.

v  Quantity on Hand: - Enter the actual # of products you have currently in inventory

v  On Hand/Allocated: - This number will reflect the number of products you already have on hand and are already assigned to an order

v  Total Quantity on Hand: - This is the amount of products you have remaining in stock that have not been allocated.

v  Quantity Backordered: - This is the amount of product you have on backorder with a vendor

v  Quantity Ordered / Not Received: - This is the amount of product you have on order, but have not received into inventory yet.

v  Additional Quantity to Order: - You can enter additional quantities to order.  This will be added to the Stock Inventory List that needs to be ordered.

v  Minimum Quantity to Stock: - Enter the number of pieces you want to stock.  If the quantity on hand falls below this stock level, it will add items to the Stock Inventory list that needs to be ordered.

v  Re Order in Increments of:  You can enter the number that you wish to order when an inventory falls below a minimum stock level.  This can be useful if you want to order case quantities to ensure you get the best possible pricing.


v  Pick Ticket Shelf Location: Identifies the warehouse and location within the warehouse to find items.  A warehouse can be your store, or a secondary building that you use to warehouse products.


Ø  Warehouse name: - This is the name of the warehouse that the in stock quantity is located

Ø  Shelf Location: - This is the shelf location the in stock product is located.