Supplier AccountsSupplier Accounts\Maintain Purchase OrderMaintain Purchase Order\Finalize Purchase Order

Finalize Purchase Order

When your Purchase Order has been built and you are ready to finalize the P.O. and send it to your supplier for ordering, simply click on the Finalize / Print button at the top of the Maintain Supplier Purchase Order screen (See Maintain Purchase Order):



This will open the Print Purchase Order screen where you can print out the P.O. or e-mail the P.O. to your supplier.


When Printing or E-Mailing a Purchase Order, you have the option to print or not print the pricing information on the P.O.


When E-Mailing your P.O. to a vendor, you also have the option to add a message to the e-mail and/or file attachments.   Attaching files are useful when you need to send artwork or a layout along with the P.O.   In order to accomplish this,  simply double click on the E-Mail attachment window, select the file you want to attach and send the P.O.


When E-Mailing you can either send the E-Mail right away or put it in a Queue to send later.


Below is the  Print/E-Mail Supplier Purchase Order screen: