Supplier AccountsSupplier Accounts\Maintain Purchase OrderMaintain Purchase Order\Standard Stock Inventory

Standard Stock Inventory

Standard Stock Inventory items are products (See Product Management) you have set to track inventory on (See Inventory Details).  When tracking inventory on products, you have entered the supplier you order this product from, the suppliers product # (this may be different than the part # you use) your current quantity on hand, your minimum quantity you always want to keep in stock and your reorder in increments of level.  Depending on your shop environment you can keep track of inventory from 1 item, to all your items.  It is up to you on what you want to track inventory on.


When standard stock inventory is needed to be ordered BizWizard Order Manager™ will automatically add it to a purchase order when you build purchase orders(See Building Purchase Orders).


Note: If a customer’s order has a Standard Stock Inventory item on order (i.e. backordered), then the customer’s order cannot be completed until the backordered item(s) have been ordered from the supplier on a purchase order and the P.O. has been received into inventory.