Supplier AccountsSupplier Accounts\Maintain Purchase OrderMaintain Purchase Order\Purchase Order Status

Purchase Order Status

A purchase order has one of three statuses:

v  Pending Finalization:  This status indicates that the P.O. has not been finalized and you can still add, edit or delete line items from the P.O. or change other information about the P.O.


v  Finalized:  The P.O. has been finalized and  has been sent to the supplier (Do not finalize until you are ready to print/e-mail it to the supplier)


v  Order Received: This P.O. has been received.


If an order has been prematurely finalized or received and you need to change the status back to finalized or pending finalization, simply open the P.O. and double click on the Status of the P.O. in the yellow background text area (See Understanding Yellow Background Fields) to change it back one step:  Order Received to Finalized, or Finalized to Pending Finalization.