Supplier AccountsSupplier Accounts\Maintain Supplier

From the Work with Supplier Accounts screen (See Work with Suppliers) you can access the Maintain Supplier screen by adding a new supplier or double clicking on an existing supplier to maintain.



When adding a new supplier or clicking on an existing supplier in the yellow background text area (See Understanding Yellow Background Fields), the Maintain Supplier Window will open


On this screen there are several fields to fill in on the top half. The tabs on the bottom will be further explained later.


v  Supplier Account #: 
Enter your account # Associated with this customer


v  Supplier Name
Enter the Supplier Name


v  Address: 
Enter the Supplier billing address


v  Web Site Address: 
Enter the Supplier Web Site URL (address)


v  Web Site User Id: 
If the supplier has a Login for you enter your Username


v  Web Site Password: 
If the supplier has a Login for you enter your Password


v  Purchasing E-Mail Contact Name: 
More and More companies are accepting P.O.’s via e-mail, if so enter the contact name for this supplier or order department.


v  Purchasing E-Mail Address: 
Enter the e-mail address to submit P.O.’s too.


v  Main Phone #: 
Enter the Suppliers Main Phone #


v  Toll Free Phone #: 
Enter the Suppliers Toll Free #


v  Fax Phone #: 
Enter the Suppliers Fax #


v  ASI Number
Enter the Suppliers ASI Number. This is optional and if you do not have it, leave this field blank.


v  PPAI Number
Enter the Suppliers PPAI Number. This is optional and if you do not have it, leave this field blank.


v  AIA Number: 
Enter the Suppliers AIA Number. This is optional and if you do not have it, leave this field blank.