ConfigurationConfiguration\Workstation Setup

The Workstation Setup Icon under the Configuration tab allows you to setup each computer that uses BizWizard Order Manager™ to perform certain functions.




  The following is a screen shot of the Workstation Setup screen.  Any options configured here only affect the computer where the configuration took place:



v  Automated Backup – You can select a certain computer to perform a backup every XX minutes.  If you have several computers that use BizWizard Order manager, we suggest one that is always logged in during the day, but seldom used to be configured with this option turned on, and all other workstations turned off. By Default, this option will be turned on for each workstation.


 We recommend that you do not do this function on computers used in a show room as it makes Order Manager into a busy state when a backup is being performed, and as your database gets larger, it could take a few minutes to perform a backup.


v  Database Compact/Repair - The database can be setup to do a compact and repair on exit.  We suggest that you do this on one computer and that it is the last computer that shuts down order manager for the day. 


Note:  A compact and repair will not run if another instance of Order Manager is still open on another computer workstation


v  Refresh Database Statistics – turns on or off the automatic refreshing of the database statistics found at the bottom of the main system screen.  If the Refresh Statistics Frequency is set to never you will have to click the refresh statistics button when you wish to have a refresh occur.