ConfigurationConfiguration\Kit Groupings

Kit Groupings are where you will build what kit groups exist in your BizWizard Order Manager™ Database.  The purpose of kit groupings is to create groups of product that are like items to be used as components when adding Order Line items (See Kit Components) for specific products.


For example Trophy Kits may consist of 4 kit groupings as follows:

v  Trophy Figures

v  Columns

v  Bases

v  Trims


Before you can create a kit grouping, you must have the component entered as a product and that product type must be set to component.  See the following example of a figure that is a component product:



After you have your component products entered as actual products, then you can begin to build a kit grouping.  For our example purposes, lets create a kit grouping for figures, but we will only be adding 2 component products. Male Swimmer and Female Swimmer.  Of course in practicality, you would add all your figures as options in the kit grouping.

Start by going to the Configuration Menu System, then select Product Setup, then select Kit Groupings as shown below:



This will bring you to the following screen:



Click on Add New to add a new Kit grouping.  This will present you with the following screen:



First Give the Grouping a Name.  For our example purposes, we will call this Kit Grouping “Figures”. Then in the section at the bottom, Left Mouse click each component product that you wish to add to this kit as shown below:



NOTE:  Only products with a product type of “Component Product” will be selectable in the pull-down list.  Finished Products will not show in the pull-down list


When you are done, you will have a screen that looks like the following:



Repeat this process to build all your kit groupings.  Build one for columns, one for bases, and one for trims. Once you have your Kit groupings created, then you simply Use the created groupings on the products they are applicable to (See Kit Components).


v  Component Products that are used in a Kit Grouping must be created by adding the component product first (See Product Management)

v  Then the Kit Groupings must be created and component products added to the grouping

v  Once the Kit Grouping is created, then you may add Kit Groupings to Finished Products (See Kit Components)