Customer AccountsCustomer Accounts\Maintain Customer Account

To maintain a customer account, double click on any customer account you wish to open in the yellow background text area (See Understanding Yellow Background Fields).




Once you double click on the customer you want to maintain the maintain customer screen will pop up


Once here you can edit, delete or add any customer information needed.


v  Customer Info
In the black area at the top of the Maintain customer screen, you will enter/edit the Customer Name, Account #, Status of the Account and the Sales rep Associated with the customer account.


v  Billing Address
Enter the billing address for this customer account


v  Shipping Address
Enter the Default Ship to Address for this account (this address can be changed on individual orders if needed).


v  Telephone
Enter the main voice and Fax # for this customer account


v  Customer Types
You can specify up to two customer types for each customer.  Customers types help you classify a customer for use in marketing mailings.  For instance, a Customer may be a Baseball customer, corporate customer, school, etc.